Primitive elvish


adjective. *veiled, veiling


  • PHAN “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision” ✧ PE17/174
    • PHA “exhalations (as mists upon water or steams and the like)” ✧ NM/237


  • Q. fanya “(white) cloud, white and shining [thing], (white) cloud, white and shining [thing]; [ᴹQ.] sky; white” ✧ PE17/174
  • S. fain “white, shimmering, shining; white and shining [thing]; dim, dimmed; filmy, fine-woven; (vague) apparition; cloud, white, shimmering, shining, [N.] radiant; [S.] white and shining [thing]; dim, dimmed; filmy, fine-woven; (vague) apparition; cloud” ✧ PE17/174
Primitive elvish [PE17/174] Group: Eldamo. Published by