Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Quenya


masculine name. Son of the Weary Forest

Name that Túrin gave himself in the earliest Lost Tales (LT2/89), apparently a combination of an otherwise unattested adjective ✱rúse “weary”, taure “forest” and the patronymic -ion “son”. Christopher Tolkien suggested its initial element may be related to rûs “endurance, longsuffering” (LT2A/Rúsitaurion) and thus not a direct cognate of the equivalent element G. drauth of the Gnomish version of this name: G. Drauthodavros.


  • G. Drauthodavros “Weary Forest” ✧ LT2/089; LT2I/Rúsitaurion
Early Quenya [LT2/089; LT2A/Rúsitaurion; LT2I/Rúsitaurion] Group: Eldamo. Published by