tár noun "king" (only used of the legitimate kings of whole tribes); the pl. tári "kings" must not be confused with the sg. tári "queen" (TĀ/TA3). Prefix tar-, compare -tar above. The normal Quenya word for "king" is aran, but compare Tarumbar.
noun. queen, queen, [ᴱQ.] mistress, lady
Element in
- Q. Airë Tári “Holy Queen” ✧ PM/363
- Q. Elainen tárin Periandion ar meldenya anyáran “*to Elaine, queen of Hobbits and my very old friend” ✧ VT49/40
- Q. Elentári “Queen of the Stars, Star-queen” ✧ PE17/067; SA/tar
- Q. Kementári “Queen of the Earth” ✧ SA/tar
- Q. ómaryo airetári-lírinen “in the song of her voice, holy and queenly” ✧ LotR/0377; RGEO/58
- Q. ómaryo lírinen airetário “in [by means of] her voice’s song, of the holy-queen” ✧ RGEO/59
- Q. lírinen ómo i·aire tário “by the song of the voice of the holy queen” ✧ PE17/076
- Q. lírinen ómo i·aire táríva “by the song of the voice of the holy queen” ✧ PE17/076
- Q. tintilar lirinen ómaryo Airë-tário ✧ PM/364
- Q. táris(së) “queenship”
- Tári ✧ PM/363
- tā́ri ✧ RGEO/58
-tar or tar-, element meaning "king" or "queen" in compounds and names (TĀ/TA3), e.g. Valatar; compare the independent nouns tár, tári. Prefix Tar- especially in the names of the Kings and Queens of Númenor (e.g. Tar-Amandil); see their individual names (like Amandil in this case), cf. also Tar-Mairon "King Excellent", title used by Sauron (PE17:183). Also in Tareldar "High-elves"; see also Tarmenel.
taran (1) noun "king", possibly ephemeral variant of aran, q.v. (PE17:186)
varni noun "queen" (LT1:273; rather tári in Tolkien's later Quenya)
turinqui ("q") noun "queen" (LT1:260; apparently the fem. of tur. In Tolkien's later Quenya, "queen" is tári.)
aran noun "king"; pl. arani (WJ:369, VT45:16, PE17:186); gen.pl. aranion "of kings" in asëa aranion, q.v.; aranya "my king" (aran + nya) (UT:193). Aran Meletyalda "king your mighty" = "your majesty" (WJ:369); aran Ondórëo, "a king of Gondor" (VT49:27). Also in arandil "king's friend, royalist", arandur "king's servant, minister" (Letters:386); Arantar masc. name, "King-Lord" (Appendix A); Arandor "Kingsland" region in Númenor (UT:165); the long form Arandórë appears as a name of Arnor in PE17:28 (elsewhere Arnanórë, q.v.) Othercompounds ingaran, Noldóran, Núaran, q.v.
noun. king
- S. aran “king, lord, chief, (lit.) high or noble person, king, lord, chief, (lit.) high or noble person; [N.] lord (of a specific region)” ✧ PE17/147
Element in
- Q. arandil “king’s friend, royalist”
- Q. arandur “minister, steward, (lit.) king’s servant”
- Q. aranel “princess”
- Q. aranië “kingdom”
- Q. aran Lestanórëo “King of Doriath” ✧ WJ/369
- Q. aran linta ciryalion “*king of swift ships” ✧ PE17/147
- Q. aran linta ciryalíva “*king of swift ships” ✧ PE17/147
- Q. Aran Meletyalda “king your mighty” ✧ WJ/369
- Q. Aranórë “Kingsland”
- Q. Arantar “*High King”
- ᴺQ. arantyalmë “chess, (lit.) king-game”
- Q. aranus(së) “kingship”
- Q. Aranwë “*King-person”
- Q. aranya “*royal”
- Q. asëa aranion “kingsfoil, asëa of the Kings” ✧ LotR/0864; PE17/049; PE17/100
- Q. Ciriáran “Mariner King, *(lit.) Ship King”
- Q. Elwë, aran Sindaron “Elwe, King of the Sindar” ✧ WJ/369
- Q. i arani Eldaive “The kings of the Eldar” ✧ WJ/369
- Q. i arani Eldaron “The kings of the Eldar” ✧ WJ/369
- Q. ingaran “high-king”
- Q. Noldóran “King of the Ñoldor”
- Q. savin Elessar ar i nánë aran Ondórëo “I believe that E[lessar] really existed and that he was a King of Gondor” ✧ PE22/158; VT49/27
- ᴺQ. tararan “emperor, (lit.) high-king”
- Q.
Aran Endór“King of Middle-earth” ✧ MR/121 (Aran Endór)Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources √ARA > aran [aran] ✧ PE17/118 √ARAN > aran [aran] ✧ PE17/147 Variations
- Aran ✧ MR/121 (
Aran); PE17/147; WJ/369; WJ/369; WJ/369
túr, tur noun "king" (PE16:138, LT1:260); rather aran in LotR-style Quenya, but cf. the verb tur-. Also compare the final element -tur, -ntur "lord" in names like Axantur, Falastur, Fëanturi, Vëantur (q.v.)
king, chieftain
haran (#harn-, as in pl. harni) noun "king, chieftain" (3AR, TĀ/TA3, VT45:17; for "king", the word aran is to be preferred in LotR-style Quenya). In a deleted entry in the Etymologies, haran was glossed "chief" (VT45:17)
vardar noun "king" (LT1:273; rather aran in LotR-style Quenya)
`Vm#1~C6 noun. elf-king, elfking, elven-king
noun. queen
- √RIG “wreathe, twine, wind about; wreath, garland, crown”
tári noun "queen", used especially of Varda (TĀ/TA3, LT1:264), etymologically "she that is high" (SA:tar). Dative tárin in the Elaine inscription (VT49:40), genitive tário in Namárië. Elentári "Starqueen", a title of Varda. (Nam, RGEO:67). Tarinya "my queen" (UT:179; sic, not *tárinya). Táris or tárissë "queenship" (PE17:155)