A rejected (Noldorin-only?) root in The Etymologies of the 1930s initially glossed “knob, head, top”, perhaps replacing the also rejected root ᴹ√KOPAR of the same meaning (Ety/KEPER; EtyAC/KEPER, KOPAR). Tolkien changed the gloss of ᴹ√KEPER to “ridge” before he rejected the entry. The most notable derivative of this root was N. ceber in N. Sarn Gebir, whose gloss is unclear but might be “?limestone, -rock”. Despite his rejection of this root, S. Sarn Gebir did appear in The Lord of the Rings (LotR/391) and was in one place translated as “Stone-spikes” (RC/327), so perhaps Tolkien restored the root, though what it might mean is unclear.
Middle Primitive Elvish
root. cover, roof, roof, cover
root. ridge; knob, head, top
KEPER→ KEPER “knob, head, top” ✧ Ety/KEPERDerivatives
- N. ceber “?limestone, -rock” ✧ Ety/KEPER; Ety/KEPER
root. helmet
A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “helmet” with extended forms √KHÁRAP and √KHÁRAN (EtyAC/KHAR); one of its derivatives ᴹQ. Eldahar seems to be a precursor to Q. Eldacar “Elfhelm”. There are many other words for “helmet” in Tolkien’s later writing, and this root was probably abandoned.
Element in
- ᴹQ. Eldahar ✧ EtyAC/KHAR
root. helmet
root. helmet
root. head
- ᴹ✶kas “head” ✧ PE18/035
- ᴹQ. kas “head” ✧ PE21/58
- ᴹ✶kast “towards the top”
- ᴹQ. kas “upwards, towards the top” ✧ PE21/22
- ᴹ✶kasma ✧ Ety/KAS
- On. kama “helmet” ✧ Ety/KAS
- ᴹ✶kassa ✧ Ety/KAS
- ᴹQ. kassa “helmet” ✧ Ety/KAS
- ᴹQ. kár “head” ✧ Ety/KAS
- ᴹQ. kas “head” ✧ Ety/KAS
- N.
câs“top, summit” ✧ Ety/KAS- N. caw “top” ✧ Ety/KAS
noun. head
- ᴹ√KAS “head” ✧ PE18/035
- ᴹQ. kas “head” ✧ PE21/58
- kăs ✧ PE18/035 (kăs); PE21/55; PE21/64
- kas- ✧ PE21/55
A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “cover, roof” with derivatives like ᴹQ. tópa-/N. toba- “to roof”, ᴹQ. tópa “roof”, and N. tobas “roofing” (Ety/TOP). It was grouped together with and was apparently a variant of ᴹ√TUP (EtyAC/TOP), a root with a much lengthier history; see that entry for details. For purposes of Neo-Eldarin, I think this root could mean “roof” as opposed to √TUP = “cover”.