Forolondië (also shortened and assimilated Follondië) place-name "North-harbourage", old name for Arnor, in full Turmen Follondiéva "Realm of the North-harbourage" (PE17:28). Compare Hyaralondië.
turmen follondiéva
place name. Realm of the North-harbourage
- S. Arthor na Forlonnas “Realm of the North-harbourage” ✧ PE17/028
turmen noun "realm" (PE17:28). Turmen Follondiéva "Realm of the North-harbourage", old name for Arnor, TurmenHallondiéva "Realm of the South-harbourage", old name for Gondor (PE17:28)
noun. realm
- S. arthor “realm” ✧ PE17/028; PE17/028
Element in
- Q. Turmen Follondiéva “Realm of the North-harbourage” ✧ PE17/028
- Q. Turmen Hyallondiéva “Realm of the South-harbourage” ✧ PE17/028
Word Gloss TUR “dominate, master, conquer; power [over others], mastery (legitimate or illegitimate), control (of other wills); strong, mighty in power, dominate, master, conquer; power [over others], mastery (legitimate or illegitimate), control (of other wills); strong, mighty in power; [ᴹ√] victory; [ᴱ√] am strong” MEN “go, move, proceed (in any direction); make for, go towards; have as object, (in)tend; direction, object, point moved toward; region” Variations
- Turmen ✧ PE17/028; PE17/028
realm, region
harda noun "realm, region" _(VT45:12, 16, 17; the word also occurs, unglossed, in the entry EN in the Etymologies)_. Changed to arda later?
artaurë noun "realm" (PE17:28). Cf. turmen.
arda noun "realm" (GAR under 3AR). It is said that arda, when used as a common noun, "meant any more or less bounded or defined place, a region" (WJ:402), or "a particular land or region" (WJ:413). Capitalized Arda "the Realm", name of the Earth as the kingdom of Manwë (Silm), "the name given to our world or earth...within the immensity of Eä"(Letters:283, there again rendered "realm"), "our planet" (MR:39), once translated "Earth" (SD:246). In a wider sense, Arda can refer to the entire Solar System (MR:337). Also name of tengwa #26 (Appendix E). Masc. name Ardamírë "Jewel of the World" (PM:348), shorter form Ardamir (UT:210); Ardaranyë "the Kingdom of Arda" (PE17:105)
An old (Númenórean?) name for the region of Arnor (PE17/28). It is a compound of turmen “realm” and the possessive form of its shorter name Follondië.