arauco ("k")noun "a powerful, hostile, and terrible creature; demon" (variant of rauco). Tolkien's earlier "Qenya" has araucë "demon" (WJ:415, LT1:250)
powerful, hostile, and terrible creature
powerful, hostile, and terrible creature; demon
adjective. powerful [in a general sense]
- √TUR “dominate, master, conquer; power [over others], mastery (legitimate or illegitimate), control (of other wills); strong, mighty in power, dominate, master, conquer; power [over others], mastery (legitimate or illegitimate), control (of other wills); strong, mighty in power; [ᴹ√] victory; [ᴱ√] am strong”
rauco ("k") noun "a powerful, hostile, and terrible creature", "very terrible creature", especially in the compound Valarauco noun "Demon of Might" _(WJ:415, VT39:10, cf. SA:raukor. In the Etymologies, stem RUK, the gloss is "demon".)_ Longer variant arauco. The plural form Valaraucar "Balrogs" seems to contain the variant rauca.