masculine name. Túro
- ᴹ√TUR “power, control, mastery, victory”
Element in
- ᴹQ. he·meruvar i Túro kárathe “they will wish that T. is (then) making it” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. me·láner fasta sa yára Túro “we were not pleased [that old Túro...]” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. me·merner i Túro kárathe “we wished that Turo was making it” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. me·merner i Túro tule “we wished that Turo come” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. Túro matie masta “Túro’s eating bread” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. yára Túro mante ilqa masta ha mé·ne úmahtale “old Túro’s eating of all the bread was a nuisance to us” ✧ PE22/119
A name Tolkien used in some linguistic examples from the 1940s (PE22/118-9).