Account “Rebekah Yeater”

These are the comments that can be found on Bekah's profile.

Bekah #3896

How would you pluralize "draug", the Sindarin word for "wolf?"

Rínor #3897

It would be droeg. and if you are using an article "the" in-droeg.

Bekah #3900


Is there a page on this site that shows things like that?

Rínor #3901

You bet! You can find info about plurals here:

and the mutation chart here:

Bekah #3907

Is "hîr" in Sindar prounced like the English "hear" or "ear?"

Also, It means lord, but I'm not sure whether "Lord Elrond", for example, should be "hîr Elrond" or what. Any thoughts?

Rínor #3908

“I” in Sindarin is pronounced like the I in “sick” and the î is pronounced for an even longer duration than Sindarin í is most like i in English ink or like i in Spanish gringo. Either pronunciation is suitable.

I believe that hîr would follow, so Lord Elrond would be Elrond hîr.

Bekah #3928
