Account “Gabb”

These are the comments that can be found on Valandur's profile.

Valandur #3967
Valandur has redacted their comment.
Valandur #3985

How can I translate

"Black flower"

"She who belongs to sea"

"Son of August"

Rínor #3986

In Sindarin it would be.

Loth vorn (Black flower)

Te i iannannen/iannen an i·'aear. (She who is connected to the sea.)

Úrion (Son of August) not sure on this one. Because August is úrui listed as hot-one which this would be technically (Son of Fire).

Valandur #3987

Thank you, and in Quenya?

Rínor #3990

Unfortunately, I only know Sindarin.