Account “Anya Sennairiel”

These are the comments that can be found on Anya Sennairiel's profile.

Anya Sennairiel #4401

I know it's been years since I last signed in to Parf Edhellen, but still, it strikes me that my last post was four years ago! The then-junior-high girl is now a sophomore. Some day out of the blue for god-knows-why signing in through Google has been barred in our region. What I mean by popping up and scribbling these meaningless lines (apologies) once I got an unexpected 60-minute free access to a VPN is to express my gratitude to this intriguing, steadfast and devoted website. In those days that I could not make a noise, I remained gazing at and listening to and diving into the beautiful world weaved by J.R.R Tolkien. 'The Elves feared and distrusted the world outside: wolves were howling on the wood's borders: but on the land of Lorien no shadow lays.' Parf Edhellen is for me Lothlorien.

Aldaleon #4402

Oh, Anya! Thank you for your very kind & thoughtful words! They are by no means insignificant, but rather deeply appreciated by someone who spent over a decade on this passion project.

I'm hoping you've linked your account to a different social media, or just created a password so you don't lose access. It's for people like you I went through the hoops of adding passworded accounts and account linking.

As for Lothlórien, I suppose this will have to do. At least for this lifetime. Who knows what comes next?
