I know it's been years since I last signed in to Parf Edhellen, but still, it strikes me that my last post was four years ago! The then-junior-high girl is now a sophomore. Some day out of the blue for god-knows-why signing in through Google has been barred in our region. What I mean by popping up and scribbling these meaningless lines (apologies) once I got an unexpected 60-minute free access to a VPN is to express my gratitude to this intriguing, steadfast and devoted website. In those days that I could not make a noise, I remained gazing at and listening to and diving into the beautiful world weaved by J.R.R Tolkien. 'The Elves feared and distrusted the world outside: wolves were howling on the wood's borders: but on the land of Lorien no shadow lays.' Parf Edhellen is for me Lothlorien.
Account “Anya Sennairiel”
These are the comments that can be found on Anya Sennairiel's profile.
Oh, Anya! Thank you for your very kind & thoughtful words! They are by no means insignificant, but rather deeply appreciated by someone who spent over a decade on this passion project.
I'm hoping you've linked your account to a different social media, or just created a password so you don't lose access. It's for people like you I went through the hoops of adding passworded accounts and account linking.
As for Lothlórien, I suppose this will have to do. At least for this lifetime. Who knows what comes next?