Hi, I'm a rumour in the wind XD
I love the Sindarin language, and was looking for a good guide to it, and I found one of the best :)
Sindarin and Quenya, along with all the other Tolkien languages, seem to have something special than other languages. Maybe it's just because it was spoken by elves, the fairest folk in Middle Earth, and that got stuck in my brain :P
Else it might be because it seems to have longer words. Or because I have a respect towards the person who created the language. So many reasons.
But I like to believe it's because it does have something special. Even the word Edhellen beckons to me.
But I'm a language nerd, and I'm studying about ten languages at once XD
Knowing how to say 'Hola, soy Fiza' in Spanish is cool, but it's even cooler and harder when you're learning to understand a language with limited resources, you're 10, and English isn't even your native language.
How does Elvish sound to you?
And feel free to help, I could use as much help as possible now :)