Account “Ollorin Máma (aka Clint)”

These are the comments that can be found on (Deleted 2022-07-30 14:30:50)'s profile.

Ruilalwen #2133

Wow, so cool! Although I think Olórin is Gandalf's dwarven name and not his elven name. I think his elven name is Mithrandir? 😊🧙🏼‍♂️

Gilruin #2138

Gandalf’s Sindarin name is indeed Mithrandir “grey wanderer/pilgrim”, but in Valinor his Quenya name was Olórin “*dream/vision guy”. His Dwarven name was Tharkûn.

Ruilalwen #2139

Oh, right! I think Olórin will be included in the Rings of Power or something. :D

(Deleted 2022-07-30 14:30:50) #2141


Ruilalwen #2145

I...don't know much Quenya either. I mostly go about Sindarin. BUT my Sindarin is also considerably bad since my first word was "ada"... Egh.

(Deleted 2022-07-30 14:30:50) #2147


Ruilalwen #2148

I'm not even 20! But that's very interesting. I'm pretty sure Narsil is the first Andúril, sword of Elendil? ⚔️ By the way, what does that paragraph of Tengwar mean? Annon allen!

(Deleted 2022-07-30 14:30:50) #2161


Ruilalwen #2162

Oh my gosh that is so funny. Lucky you, having the same name as good ol' Gandalf. I wonder which elf is correct, though. Maybe Ollorin and Olórin are the same person. Hmm...

Love the Irish proverb. Once I said I'm gonna curse the bad classmates in elvish! My friend said, what if they know Irish? Hmm pretty sure elvish and Irish are NOT the same thing.
