Namárie Ellanto,
what are your thoughts on talampio being a word for strawberry, from *talam, ground/floor, and pio, berry?
would you suggest a different etymology or spelling? (Such as talmapio)
thank you for your feedback, Calatúlo
These are the comments that can be found on Ellanto's profile.
Namárie Ellanto,
what are your thoughts on talampio being a word for strawberry, from *talam, ground/floor, and pio, berry?
would you suggest a different etymology or spelling? (Such as talmapio)
thank you for your feedback, Calatúlo
talan is a “flat space, platform, floor”, coming from the root √TALAM “flat space”; the sense “ground” comes from earlier drafts of Elvish, and seems to have been discarded. Therefore I do not think this root fits the intended derivation.
A derivation with the same logic behind it was suggested before on Vinye Lambengolmor by a user named Verilme: cempio, from √KEM “soil, earth”, which I find more fitting.