Here I would simply suggest a passive participle gaetha- → gaethannen, with -ui “-ful, having quality, adjective suffix; possibility, suitability [as verbal suffix]” I would rather read it as something like ?“fit for sacrifice”.
Contribution “gaethui” by Sámo Collarwa
These are the comments on Sámo Collarwa's contribution “gaethannen”.
Sindarin gaethannen sacrificedgaethannen
adjective. sacrificed
Word Gloss gaetha- “to offer, sacrifice”
Thank you!
Your contribution was approved by Aldaleon.
Sámo Collarwa
So would you prefer merely altering it to gaethannen, then? Or could the definition of "fit for sacrifice" be salvaged, in some way? If not, then I'll alter the word and leave it at that.
Sámo Collarwa
Would it be best to revise the entry for gaetha- to include this inflection, then? Or did you have something else in mind?
I think we can add it to the dictionary for now. I'll follow-up with an inflection editing tool in the future.