Contribution “múltha-” by Sámo Collarwa


These are the comments on Sámo Collarwa's contribution “moltha-”.


verb. "to enslave, enthrall"


  • mōl “slave, slave, [ᴹ✶] thrall”
  • “labour, be afflicted”


  • ᴺQ. molta- “to enslave, enthrall”

Phonetic Development

> moltha-[mōltā-] > [molta] > [moltʰa-] > [molθa-]
Sindarin [Parf Edhellen entrie(s): MŌ; mōl; mûl] Group: Neologism. Published by
Sindarin enslave enthrall moltha- to enslave to enslave, enthrall to enthrall
Thank you! Your contribution was approved by Gilruin.
Gilruin #2413

That’s causative “to make a slave, enslave”, so you want a long vowel -tā.

Gilruin #2645

Long vowels before clusters shortened at various times, first in Common Eldarin, so I don’t think the ū would stay long for long enough to participate in ō > ū

The most likely development path to me is mōltā- > molta- > moltʰa- > molθa-

Sámo Collarwa #2649

Fair enough. I'll apply the relevant changes.

Gabriel the Green #2745

Wow, y'all know a lot more about elven languages than I do.