Help me and do a starter vocabulary of wods on sindarin

Ju trying to learn sindarin 🥲 #4024

Guys help me and do an basic starter vocabulary for me with esential words on sindarin

With about 50 words maybe and alot of verbs, nouns and adjective

You are really gonna help me


Rínor #4037

Yes, these are all Sindarin. You can find these on

Note: Some of these you will not find the plural version. And this does not take into account when they mutate.

Such as the tree vs the trees. (i·daur vs i·thoer) or the man vs the men (i·adan vs in·edain) etc...

Ju trying to learn sindarin 🥲 #4038


Just só much thanks🥰🥰🥰🥲

Ju trying to learn sindarin 🥲 #4039

Okk eldamo has alot of words but i think i can get with it

Ju trying to learn sindarin 🥲 #4040

Do you guys have any app or thing like that That you recomend?

Aldaleon #4041

Have you actually tried to use the dictionary here? Or flashcards under "Games"?

Ju trying to learn sindarin 🥲 #4042

No, i love learning her i just wanted to now

I really love this site