Gloss “lhoss” by Eldamo Import created 11 months ago


noun. lhoss


  • ᴹ√SLUS “whisper”


  • ᴺQ. hlussë “whispering sound, *whisper”
Sindarin Group: Eldamo - neologism/adaptations. Published by
Rínor #3168

So would lhoss become lhossen for past tense making it whispered using the passive participle -en?

Gwilithiel #3170

Lhoss is a noun, so it cannot form a past participle. Adding -en to it would create an adjective lhossen "whispery." To form the past participle "whispered," you would conjugate the verb lhossa- "to whisper," yielding lhossannen.

Rínor #3175

Got, I read it wrong on Eldamo's page I was looking at. It makes sense now.