Problem with site translation of words into runes.

david wendelken #3875

I just discovered (today!) that the formatting instructions for writing a post on this site include special tags to write a word in various Tolkien scripts. How cool is that? (Very!!!)

I ran into a problem with one of the languages.

How to write Carnemírië in:

carnemírië - Quenya

carnemírië - Sindarin

carnemírië - Sindarin (Beleriand)

carnemírië - Telerin

carnemírië - Westron

carnemírië - Black Speech

I note the vowels in Black Speech are placed on the following letter instead of the preceding letter like the elven languages. Is that generally a safe bet to assume?

carnemírië - Adûnaic

It appears the Adûnaic translation isn't working. :( I tried it with an Adûnaic word from the dictionary and same results. Also tried the tag with Adûnaic spelled with the special û character and same results.

david wendelken #3890

It was a documentation issue, Adunaic isn't supported.