Translations — General Assistance

Naergon #3921

Greetings and thank you in advance for any assistance you might be able to offer. I am hoping that there will be some experts here who can assist in a project I am working on.

The project is a musical composition that includes samples from EastWest Fantasy Voices software, which says it includes a list of about 60 words in Elvish that were created by Tolkien. However the list in the manual doesn't include the English translations for those words.

Note that I have contacted their support requesting a translation, but no reply as of yet. I've also tried several translators and consulted a few websites — with mixed results. Naturally, I don't want to be composing gibberish for Tolkien fans, so I need help determining what the words mean, as well as any tips on how they might be properly used in phrases and/or the context of a musical composition.

The manual spells the words phonetically using a Western Alphabet and breaks them down into the syllables used in the samples. Consequently, some of the words might not be spelled correctly, or maybe they're word concatenations — maybe they don't even exist. I hope I haven't been misled by false advertising!

I'm not sure the best way to go about this, so rather than posting the whole list here and now, I'll just post the "A" words as they appear in their manual so that you have an idea what I'm looking at. If we can get through them fairly easily, we can move-on to the rest. I'm sure this would be a very helpful resource for more than just me !

Words ( syllabic breakdown in parenthesis )

  • Agorech (A-go-rech)
  • Anglenol (An-gle-nol)
  • Anirach (A-ni-rach)
  • Anon (A-non)
  • Antonyel (An-ton-yel)
  • Aphado (A-pha-do)
  • Arm

The first word "Agorech" is in the Elfdict, but the translation makes no sense ( to me ). It says: "car" and lists a bunch of examples of "car" — which make no mention of the word "agorech". I don't know how to interpret that in any useful way.

Note: I would include a link to a software demo to give a better idea, but being new here I don't want it to be seen as an attempt to insert any product advertising. If a mod should read this and provide permission, then I'll add it for anyone else who might be interested.

Rínor #3923

Oh, boy! What a task. Well I can tell you agor is the past tense of car- "to do, make" old suffix -ch "we" so We did/made

Probably ᴺS. !anglennol adj. “approaching, coming”

S. #aníra- v. “to desire, *long for” with an old suffix We desire/long for

Anon is probably Annon "I give"

Antonyel (No clue)

S. aphad- v. “to follow” is imperative so it is follow!

Arm (No clue)

Note that -ch is not used anymore. That is a very old suffix.

Naergon #3924

Thanks — this is super helpful. Do you happen know what the suffix "ch" was used for?

To guess — Perhaps if Agor is synonymous with "made", then then that would be synonymous with "created" and the suffix "ch" might parallel the suffix "ed" - also indicating a past tense?

Rínor #3925

So, the -ch is the subject suffix so agorech past 1st-pl-inclusive so it would be “we have done”.

But in modern Sindarin it should be agóreb.

Naergon #3926

Wow — I feel so fortunate to have your help with this. I'm certainly not a famous composer or anything, but, when I get the passage created and recorded, I will be sure to put a plug in for you and the forum on my page !

Only 55 more words to go ( lol ). Still no word back from EastWest Sound.

I'm going to take a chance that the mods understand my intentions aren't to plug the product as much as to give readers an idea what it does. Here's a link to their walkthrough where you can hear some of the the vocal samples: