I'm very much a beginner, so apologies if I miss some obvious things.
When I look at name translation, whether to Quenya or Sindarin, in this website or in Realelvish, it seems that the names are always translated using the formula noun/adjective+gender suffix (-wen etc). For example, in the most recent thread on name translation request, the name 'Elaria (joyful) Luna (moon)' is translated into two names, Glassiel and Ithilwen.
My question is: do all names must be translated that way? I do realise that the compability between the words is an important factor ('Glass' and 'Ithil' seem difficult to combine), but if the names can be combined into one, why not?
I'm curious because when I look at elven names in the books, it seems fine to do this. Like Melian (dear gift), Nimloth (white blossom), or Elwing (star-spray).
I'd be grateful for explanation!