name translation help please

Jai2464 #1450

Hi! I'm hoping that someone can help me translate my daughter's name into Sindarin and/or Quenya. Her name is Gemma (pronouced Jemma), but upon researching, I found that there isn't a soft "G" sound, and couldn't find much reference to a "j" sound either if I was going more phonetically. Can anyone give me picture of what her name would look like, and teach me the reasoning behind it? Thanks!

Elaran #1452

It sounds like you are referring to a transcription (into Tengwar script) rather than a translation into the Elvish languages (Quenya/Sindarin). A translation would have nothing to do with how to "convert" sounds into another language, since the word would change altogether.

If you simply want a Tengwar transcription of the name (without any translations), click here. It reads "jemma" (or /ˈdʒɛ in IPA).

If you want an actual translation into one of the Elvish languages, I would offer Míriel "Jewel/Gem(-daughter/female)". By chance this name works in both Quenya and Sindarin; a bilingual name, hence one translation. But it would be transcribed separately, since Q. & S. have their own Tengwar rules. This is the Classical Mode form (for Quenya), and this is the General Mode form (for Sindarin).

Jai2464 #1453

Thank you! You are correct, I did mean transcription. The translation that you gave is perfect though, and I like it so much better. Thank you so much for the breakdown too. I think I will use it instead. Thank you again!!