Is this correct?

Rebsah #4050


I’m a bit stuck with a translation. What I’m looking for is a name for the house of lore masters.

In Sindarin I came up with:

Bar-en-gûl (House of Knowledge)


Bar-en-golu (House of wisdom)

I would preferably have it in Quenya though, but I am not sure how to construct it properly.

What I have so far is Indonólë (Indo – House & nólë - lore, knowledge)

Would this work or is there a better translation for this?

Rínor #4051

Welcome Rebsah!

Well Bar-e-ñgûl would be House of the black arts, sorcery, (evil) knowledge. You would need to mutate gûl.

Bar Golu wold be House of lore, *wisdom.

There is also N., G. ist n. “lore, knowledge.

So you could have Bar Ist as well.

Rebsah #4052

Oh, definitely not Bar-e-ñgûl then, but good to know. Thanks a lot, Rínor.