Grave Digger in Sindarin

Ambarkas #4328

Mae govannen!

I am working on a Sindarin translation and need the word grave-digger for it, so I could use some feedback!

Sarch is "grave" and sabron would be "one who digs", but sarchsabron doesn't feel correct. Would it be sarchsabron > sarxabron > sarchabron?

Rínor #4329

Suilad allen Ambarkas!

I am not sure about sarch given its unclear etymology. But I think that might be correct. Let's see if anyone else chimes in.

Also what about:

  • rosta- v. “to hollow out, excavate”
  • haudh n. “(funeral) mound, grave, [N.] tomb
  • torn¹ n. “burial mound”

Edit: I think it might be sarhabron [sarkā-saprondo] > [sarka-saprondo] > [sarkʰa-saprondo] > [sarkʰa-haprondo] > [sarxa-haprondo] > [sarxhabrond] > [sarxhabrond] > [sarxhabronn] > [sarhabronn] > [sarhabron]