Hey all, I am looking to get a tattoo of the lyrics from the song Oceans by hillsong united. I am looking to get these tattooed in whatever dialect galadriel speaks. I would be greatly appreciative as I have no idea what the actual writing looks like.
I will call upon your name
Is there a specific part you'd like translated? It's a wonderful song, but very long haha. And Galadriel speaks Quenya in her song Namárië.
A warning: we're constantly finding out new things about these Elven languages, and it's generally recommended that you don't use it for anything permanent like a tattoo. If you're okay with that translation possibly becoming outdated, then go for it! Usually, it's better just to put the English words into a Tengwar transcriber like this: www.tecendil.com
If you want "I will call upon your name", it would be something along the lines of yaluvan esselya. Literally call-will-I name-your, using the polite/reverential "you/your".
so it would look something like this: ibb.co
but the website uses the transcription that looks like this:
I will call upon Your name
Which is more accurate/will not get me made fun of for being incorrect?
For example: I read that there are normally double bars on capital I, which is not reflected in the elfdict website transcription
Also thank you for the information on Galadriel. I fully intend to deep dive into learning Quenya and new she spoke it at one point but thats all I knew.