Hi there. My real name translates itself to "Red Forest/Wilderness", I don't really know how I can translate that to elvish, would it be "Carantaur"? Or "Caradhrovan" with Caran (red) and rhovan(wilderness), but since they have the "nr" connection, it would be Caradhrovan, like the Caradhras mountain.
Real name in elvish Quenya or Sindarin
Actually for Sindarin it would probably be Carathrovan given rhovan’s phonetic development is ✶srāban. Red Forest would be Carannor as au shortens in polysyllabic words. Making it look like -or which is an agental suffix.
Mae govannen!
In Quenya, "red forest" would translate to Carnitaur, but "red wilderness" is a little trickier. The only attested Quenya word we have for "wilderness" is uncertain, and the neologism hravanda can get unwieldy in compound constructions. You could end up with possible Carnihravan (carni-hravanda > carnihravand > carnihravan), but I'm not sure about that one.
In Sindarin, "red forest" would translate to Carannor. "Red wilderness", again, is tricky. Carathovan or Carthovan might be how it translates (caran-rhovan > caraðrhovan > caraðhovan > carathovan?), but I'm not confident in that at all!
As always (and especially on this one), I recommend a second opinion!