Belegaerien #4126

Hi folks! Spoilers ahead, sorry! SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS! Having now watched Season 2, Episode 1 of The Rings of Power, I caught Gil-galad using what sounded like the adjectival "dínen" for the noun "silence," itself intended as an imperative to Elrond and Galadriel. Both Gil-galad and Galadriel throw around imperative verb forms ending in -o. I have two questions about this scene:

  1. Is anybody working on a full gloss? Subtitles were no help in spelling out the Sindarin used.
  2. Why are they speaking it at all? Gil-galad is Ñoldorin, and Elrond and Galadriel partly so. Beleriand has been annihilated, not before Thingol perished -- and his edict with him? Surely the three of them would revert to Quenya under stress? I'm aware that there are fewer attested forms but the song "Eldalië," given to Benjamin Walker as Gil-galad, is in Quenya (not without heavy borrowing from other texts). This seems like a strange decision by the showrunners, given that people revert to mother tongues and accents when very emotional.

Many thanks for any light anyone can shed!