A suffix appearing in almost all attested Ilkorin plurals.
Conceptual Development: This suffix is the same as the most common Gnomish plural suffix -in (GG/10).
Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!
noun. fish
ling→ líw ✧ Ety/LIWCognates
- ᴹQ. lingwe “fish” ✧ Ety/LIW
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ✶liñwi > líw [liŋwi] > [liŋgwi] > [liŋgwe] > [līwe] > [līw] ✧ Ety/LIW ᴹ√LINGWI > ling [liŋwi] > [liŋgwi] > [liŋgwe] > [liŋge] > [liŋg] ✧ EtyAC/LIW Variations
- ling ✧ EtyAC/LIW (Dor.
-in Reconstructed
suffix. plural suffix
A suffix appearing in almost all attested Ilkorin plurals.
Conceptual Development: This suffix is the same as the most common Gnomish plural suffix -in (GG/10).
-en Reconstructed
suffix. adjectival suffix
An adjectival suffix appearing as both -en and -in, and in one place as -on: Brithon. The -en form can be easily explained as a derivative of the primitive suffix ᴹ✶-ina, with the [[ilk|primitive [i] becoming [e] due to Ilkorin a-affection]], the same origin as the Noldorin adjectival suffix -en. The -in variant is more difficult to explain. At least one example lómen had variations with both -en and -in, so perhaps the two forms represented vacillation on the function of Ilkorin a-affection, or an alternate primitive form ᴹ✶-ină where the final ă was lost before a-affection.
Alternately, -in could be a Doriathrin-specific variant, since the forms where it appears are all Doriathrin, while the forms where -en appear are marked Ilkorin, excepting only lómen which was itself revised from lómin.
- N. -en “adjective suffix”
- ᴹ✶-ina “adjective”
Element in
A Doriathrin noun for “fish” derived from primitive ᴹ✶liñwi (Ety/LIW). It is the clearest example of how [[ilk|[ŋg] vanished before [w] lengthening the preceding vowel]], as suggested by Helge Fauskanger (AL-Doriathrin/líw). @@@ same development in ᴱN hiw PE13/147
Conceptual Development: This word first appeared as rejected ling (EtyAC/LIW), probably reflecting Tolkien’s uncertainty on the development of [-ŋgw-] in Ilkorin.