suffix. close grouping
- ᴹ✶-asta “collective plural” ✧ PE18/035
Element in
- ᴹQ. tengwesta “grammar; collection of writing” ✧ PE21/57
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ✶-stā > -esta [-estā] > [-esta] ✧ PE18/035 Variations
- -esta ✧ PE18/035
- -tta ✧ PE21/57
- sta ✧ PE21/57
suffix. *noun suffix
Element in
- ᴹQ. mausta “compulsion” ✧ Ety/MBAW
- -sta ✧ Ety/MBAW (-sta)
suffix. close grouping
pronoun. they
Element in
- ᴹQ. en kárielto eldain Isil, hildin Úr-anar; toi írimar “for Elves they made the Moon, but for Men the red Sun; which are beautiful” ✧ LR/072; LR/072
- ᴹQ. talantie “they are holy, blessed, and beloved — save the dark one: he is fallen” ✧ LR/072
- Toi ✧ LR/072; LR/072; LR/072
pronoun. they
Element in
- ᴹQ. á he mittar “let them come in” ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. á he tuluvar “let them come” ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. á(si) he tulir ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. helalthi menne kare/helar menne karilthi “they did not mean to make them” ✧ PE22/127; PE22/127
- ᴹQ. helávate mate “they will not eat it” ✧ PE22/127
- ᴹQ. he tulir á ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. he·meruvar i Túro kárathe “they will wish that T. is (then) making it” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. he·taltalyar “they are [slipping down]” ✧ PE22/115
pronoun. they
Element in
- ᴹQ. intin Eldalin “they (are or were) (some) Elves” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. tasse intin nan “there they (are) again” ✧ PE22/124
- Intin ✧ PE22/124
noun. book
Element in
- ᴹQ. parmaina “of books, literary”
- ᴹQ. Parma Kuluina “Golden Book”
- ᴹQ. Parmalambe “Book-tongue” ✧ Ety/PAR
- ᴹQ. Parmaqesta “Book-language”
- ᴹQ. parmatéma “p-series”
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ✶parmā > parma [parmā] > [parma] ✧ Ety/PAR ᴹ✶parmā > parma [parmā] > [parma] ✧ PE18/051 ᴹ✶parmānĕ > parmān > parman [parmāne] > [parmān] > [parman] ✧ PE21/61
@@@ Regarding -n see “the final -m/n that sometimes appears at the end of object pronouns in pl. and belongs to them, not to the subject.” (PE22/94) as suggested by Aleksandr Zapragajev: j-teuber.github.io