Sindarin 

Amon Anwar

noun. hill of awe

amon (“hill, steep-sided mount”), anwar (“awe”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

amon anwar

place name. Hill of Awe

The Gondorian name for Roh. Halifirien, translated “Hill of Awe” (UT/301). It is a combination of amon “hill” and anwar “awe”, sometimes referred to simply as Anwar, as in the “Woods of Anwar” and the “wardens of Anwar” (UT/306).


amon“hill, mountain with steep sides; lump, clump, mass, hill, (isolated) mountain; lump, clump, mass; [G.] steep slope”
Sindarin [UT/301; UTI/Amon Anwar] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Amon Anwar

Amon Anwar

Amon Anwar means "Hill of Awe" in Sindarin. Halifirien means "Holy Mountain" in the language of Rohan. Tolkien derived the name from Old English.

Sindarin [Tolkien Gateway] Published by