Sindarin 

Amon Obel

noun. hill-village

amon (“hill, steep-sided mount”) + obel (“walled house or village”) #The second element is found in Obel Halad (possibly “town of chieftain”) .

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

amon obel

place name. Amon Obel

The hill on which Ephel Brandir was built (S/216). The first element is amon “hill”, but the meaning of the second element is unclear. It might be a lenited form ’obel of gobel “walled house or village, town”, but in Tolkien’s later writings, nouns were not usually lenited in this position. A likelier explanation is that the second element might be the Halathian word obel “town”.


amon“hill, mountain with steep sides; lump, clump, mass, hill, (isolated) mountain; lump, clump, mass; [G.] steep slope”
Sindarin [LRI/Amon Obel; LT2I/Amon Obel; SI/Amon Obel; UTI/Amon Obel; WJI/Amon Obel] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Amon Obel

Fortified Hill

Amon Obel means "Fortified Hill" in Sindarin (amon = "hill" and gobel = "walled settlement").

Sindarin [Tolkien Gateway "Amon Obel"] Published by