Sindarin 

Amon Rûdh

noun. bald hill

amon (“hill, steep-sided mount”), rûdh (“bald”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

amon rûdh

place name. Bald Hill

The hill where Mîm lived, translated “Bald Hill” (S/204). It is a combination of amon “hill” and rûdh “bald”.

Conceptual Development: In early drafts of the Silmarillion map, this hill as first named N. Amon Carab “Hill of the Hat” along with several other similar forms (WJ/187).


  • Kh. Sharbhund “?Bald Hill” ✧ UTI/Sharbhund


amon“hill, mountain with steep sides; lump, clump, mass, hill, (isolated) mountain; lump, clump, mass; [G.] steep slope”


  • Amon Rhûg ✧ WJ/187
Sindarin [S/204; SI/Amon Rûdh; UTI/Amon Rûdh; UTI/Sharbhund; WJ/187; WJI/Amon Rûdh] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Amon Rûdh

Bald Hill

Amon Rûdh means "Bald Hill" in Sindarin (from amon = "hill" and rûdh = "bald").

Sharbhund means "Bald Hill" in Khuzdul, bund being the word for "head".

The first element meaning "bald" would be shar(a)h. The cluster -rbh- could be the result of metathesis (from sharhbund).

Sindarin [Tolkien Gateway "Amon Rûdh"] Published by

Amon Rûdh

Amon Rûdh

Amon Rûdh means "Bald Hill" in Sindarin (from amon = "hill" and rûdh = "bald"). Sharbhund means "Bald Hill" in Khuzdul, bund being the word for "head". The first element meaning "bald" would be shar(a)h. The cluster -rbh- could be the result of metathesis (from sharhbund).

Sindarin [Tolkien Gateway] Published by