Sindarin 

cair andros

place name. Ship of Long Foam

An island in the river Anduin (LotR/812), translated “Ship of Long Foam” (PM/371), sometimes appearing as just Andros “Long Foam (LotR/1115). This name is a combination of cair “ship”, and “long” and ross “foam, spray” (SA/an(d), ros).

Conceptual Development: In Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s, this island was first named N. Tol Varad “Defended Isle”, soon revised to Men Falros “✱Place of Splashing Foam” (WR/326). Later in the drafts it was changed to N. Cairros “✱Ship Foam” then Andros before Tolkien settled on its full form N. Cair Andros (WR/340 note #15).


ross“rain; spindrift, spray, foam, rain; spray, spindrift, foam”


  • Andros ✧ LotR/1115; LotRI/Cair Andros
Sindarin [LotR/1115; LotRI/Cair Andros; PM/371; PMI/Cair Andros; SA/an(d); SA/ros; UTI/Cair Andros] Group: Eldamo. Published by