cánë ("k")noun "valour" (KAN)
masculine name. Aragorn
- S. Aragorn “Revered King, Kingly Valour” ✧ PE17/070
Element in
- Q. sanomë tarnë Olórin, Aracorno, Eomer, Imrahil, mi mísë, mi telepta yo morna, mi laiqua yo ninquë, mi luinë, ta Gimli mi lossëa “There stood Gandalf, Aragorn, Eomer and Imrahil in grey, in silver and black, in green and white, and in blue, and also Gimli in white” ✧ PE17/071
Word Gloss ar(a)- “noble, high” ? Variations
- Arakorno ✧ PE17/071
sanomë tarnë olórin, aracorno, eomer, imrahil, mi mísë, mi telepta yo morna, mi laiqua yo ninquë, mi luinë, ta gimli mi lossëa
There stood Gandalf, Aragorn, Eomer and Imrahil in grey, in silver and black, in green and white, and in blue, and also Gimli in white
- Sanome tarne Olórin, Arakorno, Eomer, Imrahil, mi mīse, mi telepta yo morna, mi laiqua yo ninque, mi luini, ta Gimli mi losseä ✧ PE17/071
noun. valour
- √STAL “strong”
A Quenya equivalent of Aragorn (PE17/71) of unclear meaning. It initial element is certainly ar(a)- “high”, but the meaning of its final element is uncertain. This name is inconsistent with the derivation of Aragorn from OS. Ára-ngorn “Revered King” (PE17/113), whose Quenya equivalent would probably be ✱Arangorno. Aracorno may simply be a phonetic adaptation of his Sindarin name.