Barahir is a Sindarin word and consists of bara ("fiery; eager") + hîr ("master, lord").
masculine name. *Fiery-lord
Element in
- S. Narn Beren ion Barahir “*Tale of Beren son of Barahir” ✧ MR/373
Word Gloss bara “fiery, eager” hîr “lord, master”
Father of Beren (S/148). His name may be a combination of [N.] bara “fiery” and hîr “lord” (SA/hîr).
Conceptual Development: In his earliest appearance, the father of Beren was named was G. Egnor (LT2/11). In the Lays of Beleriand from the 1920s, his name was changed to ᴱN. Barahir (LB/153), and this remained his name thereafter. In The Etymologies from the 1930s, Tolkien designated Barahir as Noldorin with the etymology given above (Ety/BARAS, KHER).
In later writings, the language of this name is unclear. It is often assumed (as it is here) that later forms of the name are Sindarin with the same (or similar) derivations as that given in The Etymologies. However, it may be that the later form of the name was Beorian, like other ambiguous names such as Baragund.