Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!



noun. round bread

This word is marked Ilk. in one entry in The Etymologies (Ety/KOR), but elsewhere the same word is marked as Noldorin: N. basgorn (Ety/MBAS). The elements of this word are also marked as Noldorin: N. bast “bread” (Ety/MBAS) and N. corn “round” (Ety/KOR). It is possible the Ilkorin word underwent the same phonetic development as its Noldorin counterpart, or that it is a loan word from Noldorin.


  • N. basgorn “loaf, loaf, [G.] loaf of bread, [ᴱN.] round loaf, cake”
Doriathrin [Ety/KOR] Group: Eldamo. Published by