Quenya carcaran noun. crocodile, (lit.) toothed-beam A neologism for “crocodile” by Delle posted on 2023-05-08 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), a combination of [ᴱQ.] carcara “toothed” and [ᴹQ.] ran “beam of wood”, later interpreted as carca “fang” + aran “king”. Elements WordGlosscarcara“toothed”ran“beam of wood”
A neologism for “crocodile” by Delle posted on 2023-05-08 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), a combination of [ᴱQ.] carcara “toothed” and [ᴹQ.] ran “beam of wood”, later interpreted as carca “fang” + aran “king”.