Quenya cirda noun. splinter, wood shaving Derivations √KIR “cut, cleave, pass swiftly through; shave; skim (surface), slip along, glide quickly” sacillë noun. splinter A neologism for “splinter” created by Boris Shapiro in PPQ (PPQ) from the early 2000s, derived from the root ᴹ√STAK “split, insert”. I prefer instead to adapt the early word ᴱQ. kinda “splinter” as ᴺQ. cirda. Derivations ᴹ√STAK “split, insert”
A neologism for “splinter” created by Boris Shapiro in PPQ (PPQ) from the early 2000s, derived from the root ᴹ√STAK “split, insert”. I prefer instead to adapt the early word ᴱQ. kinda “splinter” as ᴺQ. cirda.