Sindarin 


noun. dark duress, oppression

dûr (“dark”) + thang (“compulsion, oppression”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by


place name. Dark Oppression

An orc-fortress in Mordor (LotR/928), translated “Dark Press or Oppression” (RC/610). This name is a compound of dûr “dark” and thang “oppression” (SA/dûr, thang).

Conceptual Development: This name was already N. Durthang when it first appeared in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s (SD/33).


dûr“dark (with evil implications), gloomy, hellish”
thang“oppression, pressure, oppression, pressure; [N.] compulsion, duress, need; [G.] crowd, crush, herd”
Sindarin [LotRI/Durthang; RC/610; SA/dûr; SA/thang] Group: Eldamo. Published by