Sindarin 


masculine name. Heir of Elu (Thingol)

Son of Dior and great-grandson of Elu Thingol (S/234), whose name had the same meaning as his father’s sobriquet Eluchíl “Heir of Elu” (SI/Eluréd). His name is a combination of the name of his great-grandfather Elu and the Bëorian word for “heir”: rêda (PM/369).

Conceptual Development: In Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s, this character was initially named Ilk. Elboron and his brother’s name was Ilk. Elbereth (SM/307). These names were designated Ilkorin in The Etymologies (Ety/BOR, BER) but were rejected, most likely because Tolkien introduced N. Elbereth as a name for Varda (Ety/BARATH). In the narratives of that period, Ilk. Elboron was changed to Eldûn (LR/147 note #42) and so remained in Silmarillion revisions from the 1950s-60s (WJ/351). The name S. Eluréd did not appear until quite late; the etymology given above appeared only in a late essay on “The Problem of Ros” from 1968 (PM/369).

Sindarin [PM/369; PMI/Eluréd; SI/Eluréd; SMI/Eldûn; SMI/Eluréd] Group: Eldamo. Published by