Early Quenya
noun. wave (as it breaks), foamcrest
- G. falm “breaker, wave” ✧ LT1A/Falman
- ᴱ√FALA “*foam, wave” ✧ LT1A/Falman; QL/037
Element in
- Eq. ar laiqali linqi falmari “and the green wet waves” ✧ MC/216; PE16/100; PE16/104
- Eq. lótefalmarínen “with waves crowned with flowers” ✧ MC/220; PE16/060; PE16/062; PE16/072; PE16/074
- Eq. vean san falastuváre alkalótefalmarínen “*the sea then will surge with waves like shining blossoms” ✧ PE16/077; PE16/077
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ√FALA > falmar [ɸalmar] > [falmar] ✧ QL/037