Noldorin 


noun. honey

Noldorin [Ety/369] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. honey

A word for “honey” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from primitive ᴹ✶g-lisi under the root ᴹ√LIS of the same meaning (Ety/LIS).

Conceptual Development: In Early Noldorin Word-lists Tolkien also had ᴱN. glí “honey” (PE13/144), presumably similarly derived from the early root ᴱ√LISI. However, in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s the word for “honey” was G. neglis with an initial element √neg- (GL/59), the Gnomish equivalent of the early root ᴱ√NEHE that was the basis for ᴱQ. nekte “honey” (QL/65). It is possible that the second element of G. neglis was based on ᴱ√LISI and this was carried forward into later “honey” words.


  • ᴹQ. lis “honey” ✧ Ety/LIS


  • ᴹ✶glisi “honey” ✧ Ety/LIS
    • ᴹ√LIS “honey” ✧ Ety/LIS

Element in

  • ᴺS. glidheb “like honey”
  • N. megli “bear, (lit.) honey-eater”

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶g-lisi > glî[glisi] > [glihi] > [glih] > [glīh] > [glī]✧ Ety/LIS


adjective. honey-eater, bear-like

Noldorin [Ety/369, X/DL] Group: SINDICT. Published by