Quenya 


change of mind, mood

inwis noun "change of mind, mood". A following, bracketed form inwissi is either the plural, the ancestral form or a variant (PE17:191; cf. inwisti). Likely, inwis is to have the stem inwiss- before endings (alternatively inwist-, see inwisti below, and compare the verb vista- "to change").


noun. change of mind/mood

The form inwisti was first published in the phrase: “changes of ‘mind-mood’ or inwisti” (MR/216). At the time, this word was generally assumed to be a singular noun meaning “mind-mood”: see Christopher Tolkien’s interpretation on MR/471. Later, a similar form inwis was published with the gloss “change of mind, mood” with a plural form inwissi (PE17/191). Helge Fauskanger suggested that inwisti may be a variant of inwis (QQ/inwisti). If this were the case, it is likely the proper gloss for inwisti would be the full phrase “changes of mind-mood” and it is a plural noun.

If inwisti is accepted as the plural of inwis, it would have a stem of inwist-.

Element in

  • ᴺQ. inwissar “opal, (lit.) mood-change stone”


indo“(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve, (state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve; [ᴹQ.] heart”
Quenya [MR/216; MR/229; MR/471; PE17/191] Group: Eldamo. Published by



inwisti noun "mind-mood" (changed by Tolkien from inwaldi) (MR:216, 471). The word may seem to be plural in form, despite its singular gloss. Cf. variant inwis above (which could be the singular, if it has the stem inwist-).


noun. change of mind


  • walwiste ✧ PE17/189


change of mind

walwistë noun "change of mind" (PE17:189)


noun. change of mind