Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Middle Primitive Elvish


root. leap, leap, [ᴱ√] spring

This root appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “leap” (Ety/KAP), and was simply a later iteration of ᴱ√KAPA “leap, spring” from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s (QL/45). The root appeared in various other places in the 1920s (PE14/66), 30s (PE19/42) and 40s (PE22/102), always with the same meaning. The root itself did not appear in Tolkien’s later writing, but his continued use of derivatives like S. cabed “leap” (S/224) and S. cáfru “✱flea” < ✶kamprū (PE17/131) indicate its continued validity.


  • kamprū “*flea”
    • ᴺQ. campo “flea”
    • S. cáfru “?flea” ✧ PE17/131
  • ᴺQ. capanda “jump”
  • ᴹQ. kapta- “to make spring, scatter” ✧ PE19/042
  • ᴺQ. carpo “frog”
  • ᴺQ. hapta- “to eject, ejaculate”
  • ᴹQ. kap- “to leap, to leap, [ᴱQ.] jump” ✧ PE22/102
  • S. cab- “to leap, to leap, [G.] jump”
  • N. cabor “frog” ✧ Ety/KAP

Element in

  • ᴺQ. capta- “to make spring, scatter, [ᴱQ.] startle”
  • ᴺS. cotha- “to startle”
Middle Primitive Elvish [Ety/KAP; PE19/042; PE22/102] Group: Eldamo. Published by