Primitive elvish
root. *sharp fang, spike, tooth, [ᴹ√] sharp fang, spike, tooth
Element in
- carak- ✧ SA/carak
root. *sharp fang, spike, tooth, [ᴹ√] sharp fang, spike, tooth
Element in
- carak- ✧ SA/carak
Christopher Tolkien gave this root as carak- in the Silmarillion appendices as the basis for Q. carca/S. carch “fang” along with various related words (SA/carak). Its origin dates all the way back to the earliest version of the language: its first iteration was (unglossed) ᴱ√KṚKṚ in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, already the basis for ᴱQ. karka/G. carc “fang” (QL/48; GL/25), though its other derivatives were more variable in form due to the vagaries of the phonetic developments of syllabic ṛ in Early Qenya and Gnomish. After Tolkien dropped syllabic consonants from the vowel system of Primitive Elvish, the root became ᴹ√KARAK “sharp fang, spike, tooth” in The Etymologies of the 1930s (Ety/KARAK). The frequent appearance of its derivatives in later writings indicate its continued validity.