noun. people, folk
- ᴹ√LI “many; large people” ✧ Ety/LI
Element in
- ᴹQ.
Lie-númen“Númenoreans”- ᴹQ. lie tatallaner i·már ampanaina “While it was being built people marveled at the house” ✧ PE22/108
- ᴹQ. manar i·ennor/lie i me·kenner “who (are or were) the persons/people that we saw?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. manima i lie? “(and) of what sort are the people?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. Ornelie “Tree-folk”
- ᴹQ. Qendelie “Elf-race”
- ᴹQ. Telellie “Teler-folk”
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√LI > lie [lie] ✧ Ety/LI
pronoun. you
Element in
- ᴹQ. á le·láte “{now} don’t you do it!” ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. á le·tule ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. á le·tulir ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. ási le·kare “come now, do it (please)” ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. ha le·nye karite “making it for me (would be kind) of you” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. ha mólome le·nakin(ye) “it is hard work for you to kill me” ✧ PE22/120
- ᴹQ. leláne tule “you did not come” ✧ PE22/127
- ᴹQ. le tule ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. le tulir ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. le-tuluva? “will you come, please?” ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. le·merne i ni·karnéte “you wished that I had made (lit. made) it” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. mallo le, aiano? “whence (come) you, stranger?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. manna lé sinar? “whither (are) you (going) this morning?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. masse le enta/enar/elloa? “where (will) you be then (fut.)/tomorrow/next year?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. me·le·lávanelti kare “we were not going to make them for you” ✧ PE22/127
- le ✧ PE22/106; PE22/118; PE22/119; PE22/120; PE22/124; PE22/127
- lé ✧ PE22/124
verb. to lie
- ᴹ√KAY “lie (down)” ✧ PE22/126
Element in
- ᴹQ. Eldar ando kakainen loralyar Koivienenissen “the Elves were long lying asleep at Koivienéni” ✧ VT27/07
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√KAY > kaita- [kaita-] ✧ PE22/126