The mother-name of S. Maglor, from which his Sindarin name is derived (PM/353). This name is a compound of the root √MAK “forge metal” and laurë “gold” (VT41/10).
Conceptual Development: In The Etymologies from the 1930s, ᴹQ. Makalaure “Gold-cleaver” appeared as the Quenya form of N. Maglor (Ety/MAK), though in this period, Maglor would have been his birth name since the native language of the Noldor was Noldorin.
Macalaurë ("k"), masc. name, the mother-name (never used in narrative) of Canafinwë = Maglor (PM:353, MAK); his Sindarin name is seen to be based on his mother-name. In the Etymologies, Macalaurë is interpreted "Gold-cleaver" (MAK)