adjective. yellow
- Eq. malina “yellow”
- ᴱ√MALA “yellow”
Element in
- G. maloglin “yellow song, daffodil” ✧ GL/56
- G. malogrintha “orange, tawny” ✧ GL/56
noun. gold
- Eq. kulu “gold” ✧ LT2A/Glingol; PE15/22
- ᴱ√KULU “gold” ✧ LT1A/Kulullin
Element in
- G. Culugorm “disc of gold” ✧ GL/27
- G. Culugrithnir “ring of gold” ✧ GL/27
- G. Culuvrad “wain of gold” ✧ GL/27
- G. culwin “golden” ✧ GL/27
- G. Glingol “Singing Gold” ✧ LT2A/Glingol; PE15/22
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ√KULU > culu [kulū] > [kulu] ✧ LT1A/Kulullin Variations
- Culu ✧ GL/27 (Culu); LT2A/Glingol (Culu); PE15/22 (Culu)
- Culon ✧ LT2A/Glingol (Culon); PE15/22 (Culon)
noun. gold
- Eq. laure “(mystic name of) gold” ✧ GL/40; LT2A/Glorfalc; PE15/25; LT1A/Laurelin; QL/051
- ᴱ√LOURI “*gold” ✧ QL/051
Element in
- G. Glorund ✧ GL/40; LT2A/Glorfalc
- G. Glorfindel “Gold-tress, Goldlocks” ✧ GL/40; LT2A/Glorfalc; PE15/25
- G. glôriol “golden, like gold” ✧ GL/40; LT1A/Laurelin
- G. glôrin “golden, of gold” ✧ GL/40; LT1A/Laurelin
- G. glo(r)nethlin “meadowgold, buttercup” ✧ GL/40
- G. Glorvent “Ship of Gold” ✧ GL/40; LT1A/Glorvent
- G. Glorfalc “Golden Cleft” ✧ GL/40; LT2A/Glorfalc; PE15/25
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ√LOU̯RI > glôr [louri] > [lōri] > [lōr] > [glōr] ✧ QL/051 Variations
- Glor- ✧ LT1A/Glorvent
- Glor ✧ LT2A/Glingol; LT2A/Glorfalc; PE15/22; PE15/25
noun. flour
- ᴱ√MILI “*seed” ✧ GL/56
A noun appearing as G. mail “flour” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, derived from the early root ᴱ√MILI which had to do with “seed” words (GL/56; QL/61). This word seems to be the result of a-fortification: the insertion of an a in ancient word forms. Tolkien marked the word with a “?” indicating he was uncertain of it.
Neo-Sindarin: I would adapt this word as ᴺS. maul “flour” using a-fortification of the (hypothetical) root √MUL that seems to be the basis for Q. mulë “meal” from the 1960s.