Early Quenya
verb. to grind
- ᴱ√MULU “grind (fine)” ✧ QL/063; QL/063
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ√MULU > mul- [mul-] ✧ QL/063 Variations
- mul- ✧ QL/063
- mulu- ✧ QL/063
Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!
verb. to grind
- ᴱ√MULU “grind (fine)” ✧ QL/063; QL/063
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ√MULU > mul- [mul-] ✧ QL/063 Variations
- mul- ✧ QL/063
- mulu- ✧ QL/063
A verb appearing as ᴱQ. mul- “grind” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√MULU “grind (fine)” (QL/63). In a nearby comparative list of roots it was given as mulu- “grind”.
Neo-Quenya: The 1968 word Q. mulë “meal” (PE17/115) indicates ✱√MUL survived in Tolkien’s later writing, so I would retain ᴺQ. mul- “to grind” for purposes of Neo-Quenya.