The common Quenya name for the Silvan Elves meaning “Those who go back” (SI/54, WJ/384). This name was derived from the ancient word ✶ndandō “one who goes back on his word or decision” (WJ/412), and its Quenya form is attested only in the plural.
Conceptual Development: The name ᴹQ. Nanar “Green-elves” appeared in The Etymologies with a similar derivation (Ety/DAN). A deleted form ᴹQ. Nanyar appears in the first draft of the Lhammas from the mid-30s (LR/175). In Silmarillion revisions from the 1950s-60s, this word was first written Nandar but was immediately changed to Nandor (MR/169).
Danian Elves