A Sindarin term for a Petty Dwarf (PE17/46), a variation on the better known Nogoth Niben, a combination of niben “petty” and a suffixal form -nog of naug “dwarf”, because [[s|[au] became [o] in polysyllables]] in Sindarin. This term was first published in its plural forms Nibin-noeg (UT/100) and Nibin-nogrim “Petty-dwarves” (UT/148). Tolkien considered numerous variations on the singular form of this name (WJ/187, note #26).
nogoth niben
proper name. Petty Dwarf
Word Gloss Nogoth “[Greater] Dwarf” niben “petty, petty, *small”
proper name. Petty Dwarf
nibin-nog→ niben-nog ✧ PE17/046Element in
- S. Bar-en-Nibin-noeg “House of the Petty Dwarves” ✧ UT/100
Word Gloss niben “petty, petty, *small” naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted” Variations
- niben-nog ✧ PE17/046
- nibin-nog ✧ PE17/046 (
nibin-nog)- Naug-neben ✧ WJI/Naugrim; WJI/Nibin-noeg
- Nibennog ✧ WJI/Nibin-noeg
- Nebinnog ✧ WJI/Nibin-noeg
- Neben-naug ✧ WJI/Nibin-noeg
- Niwennog ✧ WJI/Nibin-noeg
noun. Petty Dwarf
This entry includes several experimental Sindarin names for Petty Dwarves from later writings (PE17/45-6, WJ/187). They all have the initial element naug “dwarf” or older variant N. Nawag, and various diminutives as final elements.
nogin→ noegin ✧ PE17/045Elements
Word Gloss naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted” ? Variations
- noegin ✧ PE17/045
- nogin ✧ PE17/045 (
nogin)- noged ✧ PE17/046
- Neweglîn ✧ WJI/Neweg
- Neweglu ✧ WJI/Neweg
A Sindarin term for a Petty Dwarf (WJ/388), first published in its plural forms Noegyth Nibin “Petty-dwarves” (S/204). This name is a combination of Nogoth “Dwarf” and niben “petty” (WJ/388).